About Dahl
History Of Dahl Disposal Service, Inc. & Dahl and Dahl, Inc.
The Growth and success of Dahl Disposal Service, Inc. can be traced back to 1964 with its' founder, Gene Dahl. Through the dedication of him and his family, what started out with one truck has grown to be one of the leaders in waste disposal and recycling in the area. The company currently employs over 50 people, many of whom live in the communities they serve.
Through the years, Dahl Disposal Service, Inc. has managed to stay in the family. It has been passed down three generations and is currently owned by Zack Dahl. 2024 marks the 60th birthday of Dahl Disposal Service, Inc.
Our Management
Our management team takes great pride in being part of the Dahl companies' family. We are creating and implementing new programs and systems such as new technology in the office and in our trucks, updating our software and constructing a new headquarters office. These new programs and improvements are geared towards making us more user friendly for our customers, and allowing us to operate more efficiently, which is a key part of managing our expenses.
Our Management Team:
Audrey Carkhuff - Office Manager
Rich Kuehn - Operations Manager
Dave Larmouth - Outreach Manager
Joe Cook - General Manager
Zack Dahl - Owner