Medical Waste & Needles

Stay Safe!

At Dahl Disposal Service, for one fee, we will provide you with the sharps container and proper disposal of the sharps container when you have filled it. Stop by one of our community offices to pick up your Medical Waste/Sharps container.

Oregon DEQ defines SHARPS as “Needles, IV tubing with needles attached, scalpel blades, lancets, glass tubes and syringes out of their original sterile containers.”  Oregon DEQ also requires Incineration or Sterilization of SHARPS waste and this waste cannot be put in your trash!  Oregon State law mandates proper storage and disposal of used sharps. Sharps must be stored in an approved bio-hazard containers (milk jugs and coffee cans are not safe or acceptable for sharps storage).

Medical Waste & Sharps Container

You can bring your Sharps container to our offices for proper disposal for a fee. *DO NOT BRING SHARPS IN A NON SHARP CONTAINER WE WILL NOT ACCEPT THEM

Please contact for more us for more information at, or call us at 541-336-2932.

Oregon DEQ Medical Waste information: